Sunday, April 20, 2008

Back on 2

Last year, I hit a deer. I didn't go down, but it wiped most of the tupperware from the front of my bike. After the insurance company paid Ed's Motorcycles to find and replace the parts, you couldn't tell that my Sierra Tango had had a close call.

It is now mid-April and we should be past the snow, ice and non-riding weather of winter. Someone forgot to pass the word to someone else, because snow is forecast again today.

Although snow was forecast yesterday, I saw sunshine, put my gear on and rolled out. It was kind of an angry ride, I went a little too fast on some corners (and straights) hung it out there more than I usually do and trusted blind corners. I know its not a good idea to tease the motorcycle gods, one would think I'd learned the lesson after totalling out several bikes.

1 comment:

Sojourner's Moto Tales said...

Glad you're back on 2. But, hey, be careful out there...was it just the joy of being on 2 that got you going so...or had something else ticked you off to make it an "angry" ride.

Ride safe.