Thursday, January 18, 2007

What's your magic number?

I came across another blog about the number 27. These folks see the number 27 all over the place and I think they claim it may be a sign of divine intelligence (or the key to the Matrix?). It got me to thinking. Uh-oh you say....

For me, the number 3 and the number 48 have always been special. 48 because I noticed it pop up for me in funny places: I was born on April 8, my high school football jersey was 48 (running back), my randomly chosen radio call sign as a Juvie Hall staff was 48, and a few others. I don't pay much mind to it, just chalk it up as coincidence.

On the other hand, the number 3 carries much more significance for me. I won't detail every sense that makes it peculiar but it carries a solid, stable punch - much more so than, say 4 or 2. 7 comes close.

So where does 27 fit in? I think it is related to my 3. To wit: 27 is the product of 3 and 9; 9 being to product of 3s and 27 is also 3 cubed - or 3 to the power of 3. Adding the digits in 27, 2 plus 7 equal 9, again to product of 3 three times. 27 is 3 less than 30, a product of 3 times our base 10 numbering system. 27 is 63 less than 90 (again our base 10 three times and 3 times again) and 63 happens to be 3 times 21. 21 can be boiled down similarly (2 plus 1 is 3, 21 is 3 times 7 - another mystical number).

And on and on ad nauseum, ad infinitum, ad trinitum.

What's your magic number?

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