Thursday, January 18, 2007

Got a permit for that?

I renewed my Concealed Carry Permit today.

I still marvel at the fact that for $1 per month and about 15 minutes of my time, I can carry a loaded, concealed handgun just about anywhere I please.

If most people, or just more people, carried (or might be carrying) a defensive weapon and thugs and criminals knew it - would crimes against persons decrease? Would that thought cross a miscreant's mind "hey, there's been a local increase in legal possession and concealment of firearms, maybe I shouldn't mug that guy" or are they just not that logical and prone to forethought? Do they even read the paper?

Learn the safe use and care of a defensive weapon, license it and carry it legally.


Anonymous said...

Taking into consideration the amount of thieves caught lately by the cops following their tracks in the snow, I'd say that no, criminals don't seem to read the paper. Not the ones that get caught anyway...

Anonymous said...

Usually muggings and assaults are spur of the moment and driven by a surge of adrenaline and emotion.
Few actually stop and thing about the consequences of their actions.
Even if every person in the US carried a concealed weapon, crime would still occur because there are just too many stupid people out there.
Guns scare me. I was never taught how to handle them so the intimidation factor is huge.
Thanks for the wonderful comment on my blog. How far back did you go?

Countersteer said...

Rachel makes an excellent point and I appreciate her comments. There is no reason to be afraid of guns, they are a machine just like your car, your refrigerator or your lawn mower. I don't suppose there are many accidental refrigerator deaths tho....