Sunday, January 28, 2007

Worst picture of me ever

I took this picture, i'm not proud of it, but here it is. I never had a beard before, I don't think I like it. I figured my appearance can't get much worse than it is at this moment, and hey! if anyone wants to know what I look like, 99% of the time its better than this!!

Back story: I had a cold a few weeks ago. I got over it like any other. Except for a little cough. That turned into a slightly annoying cough about a week later. Then turned into a disabling dry hacking, choking fit that left me gasping for air except I could only inhale about as much air that's in a shot glass. This is really fun at 70 MPH driving to work on the freeway. And a cheap way to hallucinate purple, red and white spheres bouncing through the air.

Three doctor visits later, I'm being treated for asthma and pneumonia although I don't have all the symptoms of either. Just that there's not much oxygen exchange going on in the ol' bellows.

I get some new toys to play with for a couple of weeks! A nebulizer that makes a liquid drug into a fog that I breathe. This tastes bad, like sucking on an aspirin. There is also a small appliance the size of a mini-fridge that takes oxygen out of the air and squirts it through a long hose into my nose. It humms and rattles - kind of like my lungs do after I take a flight of stairs!

I also get this nifty and stylish nylon bag to accessorize with. It holds a small oxygen tank in case I want to go water skiing, parasailing, or anything else that requires more effort than sitting on my ass blogging!

Seriously, I feel pretty good. As long as I stay still of course. Also on a silver lining, I was able to escape the pleasures of nicotine withdrawal while I was zomibified on codeine and cough syrup for a week. I plan to take advantage of that and finally quit. This will make a few people happy and give me a couple extra bucks a week to blow on something equally useless!


Chris said...

I'm glad you're using this experience to quit smoking.

Emily said...

man, i wish that i could need a nebulizer. that's just unfair.
seriously, take it easy dude and get better!

Rachel said...

Wow...I hope you get better soon. The doctors not knowing what is wrong with you is scary.
You look great and if you look better 99% of the time I bet you are a hottie.
Not personally a beard fan but it looks good on you.